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  • Writer's pictureAshley Scotti

staying organized

I don’t think it matters whether you’re in high school, college, or out in the work force… there is NOT enough time in the day! Between keeping up with school/work, finding time to make healthy meals, trying to workout, running errands, etc., there is hardly enough time to take a breath and have a clear thought.

In my case, I try to balance school and three jobs. As you could imagine, this requires me to constantly be checking my schedule for what is coming the next day! What is due in school? What job am I working & when do I need to be there? What should I be studying? Today, I am going to be sharing what some of my strategies are to stay as on my game as possible!

Strategy 1: Keep a planner!

Not only are they cute, but I don’t know how I would make it through a week without my planner. I am constantly writing deadlines, work times, and events in my planner. The planner I keep tracks both my school and out of school to-do’s. This way, I am able to look through my weeks and have a clear idea of what is going to be coming up. I have tried to keep multiple planners before, but that turned out to be more stressful than keeping only one. Having everything in one planner is a quick way to keep track of what is happening on a monthly basis!

Strategy 2: Daily To-Do List

Aside from keeping a monthly planner, I also write up a daily to-do list on days that I have a lot to accomplish! On my daily to do list, I’ll write down things such as: specific assignments I want to work on, chores, errands to run that day, etc. Doing this keeps me focused throughout the day, and I love the feeling of checking something off of my list! I have found that keeping a daily to-do list keeps me motivated, rather than realizing I have gone through a day not getting much done.

Strategy 3: Find Some ‘“Me” Time

I deem this strategy to be the most valuable of them all! It is so easy to run through your hectic day and realize that you just went through a whole day on autopilot. Trying to get everything done that you would like often requires more time than you have, leaving you exhausted both mentally and physically by the end of the day. In order to avoid this, I have told myself that even on my craziest of days I need to set this time aside. This helps to not only decompress your mind, but to simply have a few minutes of peace makes your life feel like more than a constant routine. My “me” time consists of activities such as: getting a coffee, browsing around at one of my favorite shops, browsing online, praying, working out, or making myself a little snack. Having a small amount of time for activities such as these is good for the body & for the mind!

Keeping all of this in mind, don’t forget to find the time to be with your friends & family. This time is just as important as anything else in life! Your friends & family are your support system! Finding this balance is easier said than done, but I hope that these strategies provide even the smallest amount of help!

Wishing everyone a happy & productive week ahead! :)



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