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  • Writer's pictureAshley Scotti

finding a fitness routine

Fitness has always been a very important factor of my life. I honestly can’t remember a time where I wasn’t involved in some sort of activity as I went through school. When I graduated from high school a major concern of mine was finding a way to stay active! For me, working out isn’t just about having a fit physique but I strongly believe that it also increases your overall health & well-being.

Graduating from high school and never before having any sort of gym membership left me with one question: where do I start?

There’s no doubt, I was terrified to walk into my local gym and get a membership. I had no idea how to put myself through a workout of my own & the hefty gym equipment intimidated me to no end. But finally, I made the leap! Getting into the gym can be overwhelming at first and it can take some time to really find your routine, but that is natural! My biggest piece of advice is to listen to your body. Everyone is different with what type of workouts they find to beneficial. The key is try new things, see what works and what doesn’t!

What I have found to work for me is variation. While I enjoy lifting and being at the gym, I could feel myself getting bored and unmotivated at times. Shortly before starting my freshman year in college I discovered a kickboxing gym nearby. I had never done anything like it before, but I thought it sounded pretty exciting & had always heard how great of a workout kickboxing can be. Plus, I have always loved group classes as they make me push myself harder than what I sometimes can on my own at the gym. Kickboxing has truly changed my life! Not only is the workout amazing, but I have met the best people through it. I can proudly say that I get to be a trainer at that kickboxing gym today!

*If you live close by and think you might like kickboxing yourself, please get ahold of me!! I would absolutely love to tell you all about it & get you to a class! :)

So what exactly is my fitness routine?

Well… it’s always changing! It can be lifting weights, kickboxing, dancing, or whatever opportunity may present itself and sounds like fun! That’s the beauty of being active, you can constantly be changing your routine.

Something important to remember is that getting active does not have to take place at a gym, but it can happen anywhere! Whether you find running enjoyable, playing tennis, or going on hikes, it is all about finding what makes YOU happy and what keeps YOU motivated.

All in all, finding a fitness routine is a trial and error scenario. Try new things, keep an open mind, and don’t get too caught up in purely the physical aspects of working out. Finding the right fitness routine for you will not only better your body, but even more so your mind!



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